Our mission

To assist Camera Clubs to provide a positive environment in which to learn about photography and develop photographic skills through competition, presentations, and social activity; provide coordination, and a basis for interaction, between Camera Clubs and promote the amateur photographic movement generally.

Our sponsors:

// Action for CLUBS


Because of the restrictions placed upon us as a result of the Covid-19 virus, the Topshot competition this year was run as a digital competition, judged remotely by Judges from different areas in Australia. The entries in the different sections were compiled and distributed to the Judges who scored them remotely. The scores from the 3 judges in each section were then added together to get an overall score for each image. Once this was done the Judges for each section met together via a Zoom meeting to select the overall winners from the top scoring images.

 Because the judging was not done in a central location, which has occurred in the past, the Committee as a whole was not able to vet the entries to confirm that all the images complied with the definitions for the sections for which they were entered,  before judging.

When the online Topshot presentation was shown on Sunday the 14th of June, there were many questions about whether some of the entries, entered in the Australian Landscape section, that received acceptances or better, complied with the definition listed on the FCC Topshot Entry website for that section.

The definition for AUSTRALIAN LANDSCAPE that is listed is as follows, “A photograph of a NATURAL landscape or coastal scenery which may include people, buildings or other objects, provided that these elements do not dominate the photograph. Seascapes with no land do not fit this section.

After receiving a number of emails and communications on this matter, the FCC Committee convened an extraordinary committee meeting on Thursday night the 18th of June, to consider these concerns. As a result a number of images that received acceptances or better have been rescored.

The reasons that these images were rescored was that,–

  1. The landscape was not an Australian landscapes, but was a landscape or features in another county.
  2. The subjects were Cityscapes/ urbanscapes, and not NATURAL landscapes
  3. The image had a building, man-made structure, or people as the dominant feature in the image.

Because of the unusual circumstances under which the Topshot Competition was judged, I hope that the Topshot entrants affected understand that this action was necessary, and we apologise for any disappointment that this may have caused.

These decisions were made and approved by all Committee Members, and no correspondence will be entered into.

The Topshot results are now being published on the Topshot Entry Website.

Kerry Boytell 
Federation of Camera Clubs (NSW)

by Michelle Kennedy, June 22, 2020

TOPSHOT 2020 – Live Online Presentation

Please join us on 14 June at 2:30pm for the live online Presentation of Topshot 2020!!!

Click the link below to register for this Event. Everyone is welcome! Please share this invitation with your family, friends and Camera Club Members.

Register for this Event:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join on the day.

We look forward to ‘seeing’ you all there.

Goodluck to everyone who entered!!!

by Michelle Kennedy, June 12, 2020

F-Stop Newsletter August

The August Edition of our F-Stop Newsletter.

by Michelle Kennedy, August 4, 2019